Este es el blog oficial de Bilingüismo del IES Profesor Gonzalo Huesa. En este blog podréis seguir los aspectos relevantes de las prácticas bilingües del centro.
El alumnado de 1º ESO B está participando en el programa «RECREOS RESIDUOS CERO» que consiste en motivar al alumnado para que en sus desayunos no
haya residuo, o al menos, el mínimo posible. Para ello deberán usar
envases retornables como fiambreras para sólidos y cantimploras para el
agua a fin de eliminar las botellas de plástico y los envases de un solo uso como plásticos, papel de aluminio, etc.
Para ello, la profesora Mª de la Paz Picón Moreno, ha diseñado un carnet sostenible en
el que irán sumando puntos cada vez que traigan su desayuno en envases retornables.
Durante este curso, el alumnado de nuestro centro está trabajando la importancia de apostar por un desarrollo sostenible y de valorar y proteger nuestro entorno natural.
Dentro de este proyecto, el alumnado de 1º ESO realizó una ruta de senderismo al Bosque de Cobre, actividad organizada por el departamento de Educación Física junto con el departamento de Biología
Con esta actividad se pretende que alumnado conozca su entrono natural - esencial para el desarrollo de una comarca como Ronda - y aprenda así a valorarlo y entender la importancia de implicarse en su conservación. Porque no se puede querer ni valorar aquello que no se conoce.
lunes, 26 de junio de 2023
Our students finally made some super healthy Andalusian recipes and we've got the evidence!
They had to come up with a healthy Andalusian recipe through some steps. First, they had to track its roots geographically and historically, so we know since when we have it and the areas where it's most known! Then, they had to investigate about its nutritional facts and the caloric content. Last but not least, they had to suggest the sport or physical exercise needed in order to burn those calories.
And of course we wanted evidence! So they brought us these amazing posters together with a fantastic video where they tell us a bit about the recipes and their work.
Wonderful work, guys! Now, enjoy your meal! ¡Que aproveche!
Los alumnos de 2º de Bachillerato de la asignatura de Ampliación de Lengua han realizado una ruta literaria en la que cada estudiante ha expuesto un autor.
These brochures have been writen in Spanish and English. They invite tourist to visit El Pilar de Coca, a wonderful hiking route around the city of Ronda. Click on the images to see them closer.
You might think that Ronda is just another breathtaking town in Spain. However, it's turistic appeal goes far beyond its imposing monuments. Thanks to the Spanish department, we now know that great writers such as Cervantes, Ernest Hemingway or Orson Welles, among many others, visited and loved the city of Ronda.
In the subject of technology, students have been working on their promotional video. In these classes they have learned some English words (and new concepts) that they have written down in their portfolios, these include:
Today, we've had our debate finals to choose the logo for our company. The final was between these two logos. In the end, the black logo with 'El Tajo' and a bus won the competition. However, we want to thank all the students that have taken part. You have produced very interesting ideas!
As you know, we are currently working on a biligual project. For this project, we have created a fictional tourism company which is going to promote Ronda to potential visitors. Our students in ESO 1 have created a number of logos and our students in ESO3 are going to debate what logo is going to represent our fictional company, which is called 'A-RONDA WORLD'. Which do you like best?
Como sabéis, estamos trabajando en un proyecto bilingüe. Para este proyecto hemos creado una empresa ficticia de turismo que va a promover Ronda a potenciales visitantes. Nuestros estudiantes de ESO1 han creado unos cuantos logos y nuestros alumnos de ESO3 van a debatir qué logo va a representar a nuestra compañía ficticia, que se llama 'A-RONDA WORLD' ¿Cuál te gusta más?
Hoy comienzo el proyecto integrado en la clase de inglés con mi desdoble de 3ºESO (A-B). Les voy a explicar de qué va nuestro proyecto. Básicamente, vamos a montar una empresa de turismo ficticia que va a lanzar una campaña de márquetin para atraer turistas extranjeros. Nosotros nos vamos a encargar de crear un vídeo (estilo vlog) para dicha campaña publicitaria. Hoy vamos a formar los grupos y voy a hablar de los pasos y las reglas a seguir:
First- We have to establish the groups, we are going to work in groups of 4. These groups are going to have have different roles:
Voice actor/s: speaks in the video. (everyone)
Script writer/s: writes the video. (everyone)
Director/s: directs the video.
Second- We have to start our research and think about the video that we want to create.
Third- We have to write a script.
Fourth- We have to put videos and sound together.
Fifth- We are going to watch all the videos. Then, we are going to debate to decide which video will be in the marketing campaign.
MIND YOU:This is not a competition, you're only competing with yourself trying to speak, write, listen and read better, how much better? Better than last time!
1. Google Translate is absolutely prohibited. If you use it, you’ll get zero points.
2. You must participate in all the roles (voice actor, script writer, director).
3. You must try your best (I will know that you are trying your best if you ask interesting questions and then you apply what you have learned).
4. You will show me a Language Portfolio with many words written from different subjects, History, Technology, Art, English, etc.
5. Don’t waste your time when we work in the classroom.
6. Use new technologies (apps, computers, smartphones, etc).
Luego les doy un ejemplo de cómo escribir su guion y cómo llevarlo a cabo con un corto vídeo escrito y editado por mí.
Image of a street in Ronda. Two old people walking on the street. Two tourists look over ‘El Tajo’. Image of ‘La Alameda’ park.
Ronda is a wonderful place where people of all ages and places in the world spend a good time with their families every year.